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How to get started

  1. Decide about your Performer Suite setup (our recommendations)

  2. Installation of the Performer Suite:

    1. Check the Technical Requirements and Architecture

    2. Provide your SAP-User the Necessary SAP Authorizations

    3. Download Performer Suite

    4. Install the Performer Suite and the AutomationTool

    5. Open the setup and follow the wizard of the Installation Process and the Configuration Process

  3. Choose your Database

    1. SQL Server Setup

    2. Oracle Server Setup

  4. Using BW? Install the Function Modules

  5. Using BO? Add the BO credentials to establish a SAP BO Connection

  6. Using HANA? Setup your HANA Connection

  7. Using SAC? Add the SAC credentials to establish a SAC Connection

  8. Using DSP? Add the DSP credentials to establish a SAP Datasphere Connection

  9. Log into the application and start the SAP synchronization of your SAP systems

    1. BW Synchronization

    2. BO Synchronization

    3. HANA Synchronization

    4. SAC Synchronization

    5. DSP Synchronization

    6. (optional) Schedule an automated background synchronization of your SAP systems

  10. Define Roles and Users via the User Management to set permissions.

  11. Define several settings:

    1. General Settings

    2. BW Settings

    3. BO Settings

    4. BPC Settings

    5. HANA Settings

    6. Translation Steward Settings

  12. Define Templates and Variants for Commenting Administration and the Documentation Administration

  13. Analyze, comment, and document your Business WarehouseBusiness ObjectsHANASAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Datasphere & 3rd Party entities

  14. Licensed Translation Steward and Migration Booster?
    Translate descriptions and migrate BW entities

  15. Create Scenarios and assign SAP entities and 3rd Party entities to the Scenario to document all entities

  16. Schedule an automated background export of your created Scenarios

  17. Update Performer Suite as we release new versions

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