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What's New

We are pleased to announce the new release 22.2 of the Performer Suite!
Thank you a lot for your suggestions and feature requests, which we implemented in the new release. Keep them coming!

This page describes the new features and improvements introduced in version 22.2:

General Improvements & Changes:

  • Transports are supported as an object type

  • Enhancement of Security & improved password policy

Improvements & Changes Docu Performer (Documentation & Commenting):

  • Parameters of methods were added to the documentation of classes

  • The documentation of the planning objects has been extended:

    • The documentation of the planning sequences has been extended with the selected filters & planning functions.

    • The documentation of the aggregation levels was extended with the documentation of the related planning sequences

Improvements & Changes System Scout (Analysis):

  • BW tables are displayed in the HANA data flow as BW objects

  • Logistics source tables are displayed below ERP DataSources

  • Display the document link of Analysis for Office reports in the results of the Where Used Analysis

A detailed description of the most important changes in version 22.2 including examples can be found in this What's New document:

PerformerSuite Whats New 22_2.pdf


A detailed overview of all new features, improvements, and bug fixes can be found here: Change Log v22.2

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