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SAP BO Connection


In order to be able to connect to the BO system, certain parameters must be inserted within the Performer Suite.
This process is described in detail in this article below.

BO Connection pop-up explaining that the Connection Data is missing

Under ”Administration > Connection Data > SAP BO Connection“ you can enter the mandatory connection parameter for the available platforms (all 3 URLs are needed).

  1. RESTful URL

  2. OpenDocument URL

  3. WebService URL

The location of the URLs can be found further below.

Select the BO "Platform name" (from the dropdown menu) for your BO-System and enter the mandatory BO connection parameters.

SAP BO Connection in the Connection Data dropdown of the Administration Ribbon

Enter the IP address of your BO server (instead of the hostname) in the 3 URLs (RESTful, OpenDocument, Web Service).

If you prefer to use the host names of your BO server, make sure the mapping in your local "hosts" file (IP address + hostname) is done accordingly.
If the mapping is correct, the host name can be used in the Performer Suite instead of IP http://12.345.678.90:6405/biprws.


Central Management Console

The following chapters describe, where the mandatory parameters can be found in your BO "Central Management Console" in SAP.

CMC URL: http://<BusinessObjectsServer>:<port>/BOE/CMC
e.g. http://12.345.678.90:8080/BOE/CMC

<BusinessObjectsServer> is the name of the BusinessObjects Business Intelligence server in your environment, and <port> is the port number used by the server, for example, 8080.

Cluster Name

CMC Home > Settings > Cluster

Cluster Name in the Settings of the SAP Central Management Console


CMC Home > Applications > RESTful Web Service

RESTful URL in manage Applications of the SAP Central Management Console

OpenDocument URL

CMC Home > Applications > Right-click "Open Document" > Processing Settings

OpenDocument URL in manage Applications of the SAP Central Management Console

WebService URL

CMC Home > Applications > Web Service

WebService URL in manage Applications of the SAP Central Management Console


See: BO: Initial connection fails

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.