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Quick Access Settings

Before generating a documentation you can select some quick access settings which affect the documentation.

Quick access settings in the Docu Performer Ribbon

All these quick settings can be set in the Settings and saved on the Settings Variants. The selected quick settings do not overwrite the settings of the Settings Variant; they only apply to the export of the user who set them in the Docu Performer.

Quick Setting


Document Data Flow

If this option is activated, all objects below the documented object are considered for the documentation.
In the settings, you can also set a window to appear in which the objects of the data flow can be considered or ignored for the documentation.

(lightbulb) Supported objects:

  • SAC Story

  • SAC Analytic Application

  • SAC Insight

  • SAC Model

  • BW InfoProviders

  • Query

  • Data Definitions

  • HANA Calc. View

  • DSP Views

  • DSP Remote Tables

(info) Non-synchronized objects of the data flow are also documented!

(warning) The system mapping and the HANA schema mapping must be defined so that all cross-system objects are taken into account!

Include comments

Entity comments can be exported standalone or integrated into the technical documentation. If this checkbox is left unchecked the comments are not included in the documentation.

One file per documentation

We recommend to use the option "One file per documentation" but sometimes it might be useful to uncheck this option. If it´s unchecked the filename will be named as the first selected object in the list.

Settings Variant

Settings Variants allow saving different configuration sets, thereby allowing the user to select and apply these configurations when creating documents. You will find more detailed information Settings Variants.

Comment Variant

To provide more flexibility for exporting entity comments you can create some "Comment Variants". You will find more detailed information about Comment Variants.

Word Template

You can define a Word Template with your own company logo and some several Bookmarks. You will find more detailed information Bookmarks in Word Templates.

Documentation Language

The language of the documentation and Scenario Exports. You will find more detailed information Languages.

Comment Language

The language of the exported comments in a documentation or Scenario Export. You will find more detailed information Languages.

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