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Column Chooser

The Column Chooser can be called by right-clicking on a column header:

Column Chooser in the context menu of the column header

In the example below the column "InfoArea" was added to the grid:

InfoArea column in the main entity grid

To add columns just drag and drop them from the Column Chooser to the header of the grid:

Drag and drop of the column assigned Scenarios

The customized grid layout can be saved user-dependent from the button bar:

Save Layout button in the toolbar of the main entity grid

Once opened following additional columns can be added to the grid:

Column Chooser with the tabs SAP Metadata and Custom Data

Meaning of the fields



Additional Field

You can define your own category

(see Additional custom fields)

Assigned Scenarios

A list with the Scenarios which contain this Entity

(see Scenarios)

Auth.-rel. (IOBJ)

'X' if an InfoObject is authorization relevant

BCS Subtype



internal usage


UID of Reporting Elements

Description long

The short description of this Entity

Description short

The long description of this Entity


The InfoArea which contains this Entity


'X' if the Entity does no longer exists in SAP.

The Entity was synchronized with Docu Performer and afterwards deleted in SAP. With a new synchronisation the Docu Performer knows that the entity was deleted in SAP.

Comment Confirmation

The last change or confirmation of the comment of this Entity

Comment Status

Status of the Comment (see Comment Status)

Last Used Date

Especially filled for Queries:

When was the query last called?


The Layer to which this Entity is assigned to

Parent Entity

The Parent Entity has different meanings (e.g. for Reporting Elements it is filled with the Base InfoProvider, for Variables it is filled with the base InfoObject, for Function Modules it is filled with the Function Groups, etc.)

Grid Comment <1-5>

see Grid Comments


ID of the SAP System

Table Category

Category of the SAP Table


Especially filled for Queries:

Version of the Query (3.x or 7.x)

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