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Unsynchronized Entities

You could come across a 'Data Flow' or 'Data Flow View', which contains unsynchronized entities or entities, deleted in SAP.

  • Synchronized EntityEvery entity inside the Docu Performer database. 

  • Unsynchronized Entities: All other cases, like unsupported entities. Those are marked with the unsynchronized-icon.

In the 'Data Flow Views', we do not distinguish between unsynchronized entities and entities, deleted in SAP. Both are marked as unsynchronized!
To identify if an entity is really deleted in SAP, perform an SAP synchronization. If it is still marked inside the 'Data Flow' as an unsynchronized Entity, you know that it is deleted.

Entity types that are not supported by the Performer suite are displayed as unsynchronized entities too.

Unsynchronized entities are displayed in the 'Data Flow' or 'Data Flow View' with an unsynchronized icon.

Unsynchronized entities in a Data Flow

You can find this icon in the toolbar of the 'Data Flow' display section too. With that, you can clear the 'Data Flow' or 'Data Flow View' from all unsynchronized entities.

Hide unsynchronized entities button in the Data flow toolbar

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