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HANA Synchronization

Similar to the SAP synchronization of the BW component, the SAP HANA objects are also transferred to the database of the Performer Suite during synchronization with information such as technical name, path, description and timestamp. Synchronization via the selection of 'Catalog Entities', 'Repository Objects' and 'Security' is supported.

HANA Synchronization tab splitted into Catalog, Repository and Security objects

For the Catalog entities, you can use the filter to specify more exactly which entities should be synchronized and which not. We suggest using the standard filter delivered by us. With that, we exclude the technical SAP entities from the synchronization, because in the standard cases you do not need them. But you are able to change the filter if you really need other entities. Please pay attention if you do that because there are many technical SAP entities in the HANA database. The filter works like the Data Browser in SAP (Transaction se11 or se16).

Filter to select catalog entities for synchronization divided into schema name and index name

Other settings such as Quick Mode or Standard Update, which can be set for the BW component, are currently not supported.

In the bottom left corner, you can also select the language to be taken into account during synchronization.

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