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Comment Sharing

Because of the Comment Sharing in the Docu Performer, the same objects of different SAP systems in the same landscape share their comments, i. e. commenting while developing makes sense. You can use them later when creating full Application documentations.

The commenting function (BW Commenting, BO CommentingHANA Commenting, BPC Commenting) represents besides Documentation one of the key components of the Docu Performer. It enables, for instance, the company-wide sharing, cross-system collection, and especially the centralized capturing of knowledge related to SAP objects.

Comment of a Query

The logic behind the Docu Performer is that identical entities of one system landscape (e.g. Development-, Quality Assurance, and Productive system) are sharing one comment.
This consistency does also apply for the following entities:

  • Certain, not synchronizable BW objects (Steps of Process Chains, etc.) 

  • BO entities and their related components (e.g. Charts of Design Studio Reports) 

  • HANA entities

However, it might be the case that for objects within one landscape different comments have been maintained among the various systems. If this occurs a migration is necessary when updating the database.

Thereby the comment from one landscape with the last modification date is adopted to the relevant object. In order to ensure that no comments will be lost, all unused ones are exported as a Word document to the Docu Performer directory \AppData\Generated\MigratedComments. There, the files are sorted by system types and landscapes. Additionally, the file AppData\Generated\ MigratedComments\MigratedCommentsOverview.xlsx provides an overview of all no longer in use and exported comments. Where appropriate, those can be used to complement comments in the Docu Performer. When conducting a migration, the following information will be displayed after the database update.

Info that 19 comments were migrated
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