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BO Commenting

For every BO Entity, you can save comments. These comments will be exported in the documentations and Scenarios of the entities. For more detailed information about commenting in general, you can have a look in the BW Commenting chapter.

Comments entry in the context menu of a BO object

Besides that, you can comment components of the Entities in BO. To do that you have to display the Tree View of the BO Entity. This can be started from the context menu or from the Analyze and Compare BO Entities functionality. In the Tree View of the BO Entities, you can find the commenting functionality in the context menu (see Screenshot). In this example, you can see that you are able to comment on the component HEADER of the Design Studio Report.

Show comment entry in the context menu of a component in the buildup of a Design Studio report

BW DataSources in BO Entities

Another nice feature here is that the Performer Suite identifies the DataSources of BO Entities. In the example above you can see the two DataSources DS_1 and DS_2. They contain two Queries which are identified as Queries by the Performer Suite and the Source System and Description is added. This feature is only possible if the Source Systems of the DataSources are licensed and synchronized in Performer Suite.

Here you can display and change the comment with the context menu too. These comments are directly saved on the BW Entities. So if you display/change a comment of a DataSource here, you display/change the comment of the BW Entity.

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