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Where-Used Analysis of DSP Entities

The Where-Used Analysis of DSP Entities is possible for the following relations:

  • (grey lightbulb) not possible

  • (lightbulb) supported

Used in\Entity → 


Data Access ControI


Remote Table

Intelligent Lookup




(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

Data Access Control


(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)




(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

Remote Table



(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

Intelligent Lookup



(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

With the Where-Used Analysis of DSP Entities, you can analyze the usage of DSP Objects. The function can be found in the System Scout or in the search view:

Where-used Analysis in the System Scout ribbon

Or in the context menu of DSP Objects in the Entity Grid:

Where-used Analysis in the System scout submenu of the context menu of a model

The result shows all the usages of the selected objects:

Usage of Models in other SAC objects
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