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SAC Connection


In order to be able to connect to the SAC system, certain parameters must be inserted within the Performer Suite. This process is described in detail in this article below.

SAC Connection Pop-up informing, that the SAC Connection is not maintained

SAC Connection missing

Under ”Administration > Connection Data >  SAC Connection“ you can enter the mandatory connection parameter for your available platforms.

The following information is required for a SAC connection:

  1. Authorization URL

  2. Token URL

  3. Parameters of your OAuth Client

SAC Connection in the Connection Data dropdown of the Administration Ribbon

Required for SAC connection

SAC Administration

The following chapters describe, where the mandatory parameters can be found in your SAC.

Administration area in the SAC

System Administration


Your SAC > System > Administration > App Integration

Please enter your two URLs into your Performer Suite in the respective parameter fields (Authorization & Token URL).

URLs in the App Integration tab of the System Administration of the SAC

Authorization & Token URL

Authorization & Token URL

Create OAuth Client

New OAuth Client in the App Integration tab of the System Administration of the SAC

Add a New OAuth Client

In order to be able to access your SAC systems from the Performer Suite, an OAuth client must be added to your SAC.
Your SAC > System > Administration > App Integration > Add a New OAuth Client

Two authorization methods are possible:

  1. Interactive Usage (Authorization Code Grant)

  2. API Access (Client Credential Grant)

Which OAuth client type should I create?

You can create both and see what works better for you.

  1. If you are using SSO for your SAC, then create an OAuth Client with the Purpose "Interactive Usage" (Authorization Code Grant) and the Redirect URI http://localhost:8089

  2. In all other cases, especially if you plan to use the AutomationTool, then create an OAuth Client with the Purpose "API Access" to have a “machine-to-machine” authorization.

    1. For Access, enable the following 6 checkboxes:


      Create an OAuth Client

    2. For Authorization Grant select Client Credential.

SAC has updated to the Q2 2024 release and introduced a new Authorization Grant-option called "SAML2.0 Bearer", which currently should not be selected.
The Performer Suite does not yet support it.

Learn more: SAP blog article

Enter SAC Parameters

In the last step, enter your two SAC URLs into the following text fields:

SAC Parameters in the Performer Suite

Enter your SAC URLs

Create a new OAuth Client within the Performer Suite with the "Add"-button and enter the required OAuth parameters:

Client Parameters in the Performer Suite

Enter OAuth parameters

The following parameters must be entered for this connection type:

Interactive Usage

  • Client Id

  • Auth Grant = Interactive Usage

  • Secret (optional)

  • Redirect URL

API Access

  • Client Id

  • Auth Grant = Interactive Usage & API Access

  • Secret

SAC Connection in Login Window

The OAuth clients defined in the Performer Suite can be selected at SAC login:

SAC Login with selection of the Clients

SAC login

If the defined OAuth client is "Interactive Usage", a user login is required.
(if SSO is enabled in your SAC: this login window will not appear and will login straight)

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