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Constant Value Scan

The function "Constant Value Scan" can be found in the System Scout:

Constant Value Scan in System Scout Search

This functionality allows to scan Transformations, DTPs, Queries and Restricted Key Figures for specific values.

To use the function, a single value can be entered into the search bar or multiple values into the multiline filter. Then the scan can be executed via the start button.

Search bar, multiline filter and start button

In the appearing pop-up, it can be selected which object types should be scanned. For Queries & Restricted Key Figures, and DTPs additional restrictions can be made.

object type selection for scan
  1. Queries & Restricted Key Figures are scanned for a certain value set in a Characteristic selection. Via the multiline filter besides the checkbox in the pop up, the search can be restricted to certain Characteristics by adding their technical names to the filter. Only the defined Characteristics will then be considered in the scan. Wildcards like “Z*” can also be added. The technical names of the .” The “consider intervals” checkbox allows you to select whether intervals should be searched. The result will show all the matches and the context.

  2. Transformations & 3.x Update/Transfer Rules are scanned for a certain value set for constants (e.g. country DE or fixed currency EUR). The result will show all the matches and the context.

    Results for Transformations and 3.x Update or Transfer Rules
  3. DTPs are scanned for for a specific filter value. It is possible to select if intervals should be searched via the “consider intervals” checkbox. The result will show all the matches and the context.


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