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Roadmap 2024

You can expect the following new features and improvements in 2024:

  • Datasphere:

    • Support Analytic Models & Task Chains

    • Where-Used Analysis for Datasphere

    • Support calculated fields & field mapping in the documentation of Views

    • Performance Improvement Datasphere (new API requests)

    • Support 2-legged OAuth Clients (API Access)

  • Dataflow (Tree Scenario) for objects in Scenarios

  • SAC:

    • Enhance information of SAC Planning Models

  • HANA:

    • Show Join conditions in the data flow of Calculation Views

  • Feature Requests:

    • InfoAreas of Planning Functions in the Entity Grid

    • Documentation of user-defined fields in CDS Views

    • Documentation of user-defined Fiori fields

    • Optimize Excel Documentation of ERP/BW Tables

    • Integration of Data Lineage & Tree Structure into the documentation

    • Where-Used Analysis of ABAP Classes in Planning Functions/Sequences/Process Chains

    • Read out the documentation box in Transport Requests

    • Support Estonian Language

(info) This roadmap outlines our current plans and intentions for the development of our software.
Please note, that software development is a dynamic and constantly evolving process.
The information contained in this roadmap is therefore subject to change without notice.

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