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Installation Process

After downloading the setup file, the next step is to start the installation process.
Run the downloaded setup file and choose a destination folder to install the application by selecting “Browse“.

The setup will suggest the target folder “C:\Performer Suite“, please feel free to change this to a directory of your choice.
Click ”Next“ to proceed. 

Performer Suite installation window with Installation path

Choose the features you would like to install.

Feature Selection with Performer Suite and Automation Tool selected

The Automated Synchronization allows an automated, daily background synchronization of the SAP objects using a Windows task.
It should only be installed when using a central database (not for SQLite databases).

To install the AutomationTool, the setup file should be executed from the server, on which the database is installed.

You can choose to create a desktop shortcut and whether you want to start the Performer Suite.
Click “Finish“ to complete the installation process.

Performer Suite Installation finished

The next step is to perform the Configuration Process.

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