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Data Loads and Usages

The function "Data Loads and Usages" provides you with an overview of the data volume, loads, and usages of InfoProviders, Process Chains, Workbooks, and Queries in the SAP BW environments. So you can get information about e.g. the last usage via Queries, the number of entries in InfoProvider tables, or the approximate total memory consumption in HANA.

The function "Data Loads and Usages" can be found in analysis reports, in the search view:

Data Loads and Usages in the Analysis Reports dropdown of the system scout ribbon

...and in the context menu of supported objects in the Entity Grid:

Data Loads and Usages in the context menu of a MultiProvider

First, you can select a system and the object to be analyzed. Then the results regarding the usage and loading will be displayed as follows:

Results of the function for a CompositeProvider

(tick) It is possible to check the number of reads for Queries in a specific time range which can be defined here:

The reads are based on table RSDDSTAT_OLAP.

Explanation of the columns

(error) not filled for this entity type

Last load

Last usage

Last used via Query



# of entries

% Fact.-Tab. E

% Fact.-Tab. F

approx. total memory consumption (KB)

File size

# Reads

Last load of InfoProvider or PartProvider

Last usage of InfoProvider via the start of Query

tables/dimensions of InfoProvider

InfoCube dimension is LineItem

Number of entries of InfoProvider or PartProvider tables

The ratio of the table to fact or e-fact table

For the tables of InfoProvider or PartProvider

Size of file

Number of times the Workbook/Query was read

Advanced DSO




















































































Process Chains
























Sem. Part. Objects
























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