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Comment Templates

The Comment Templates can be found in the ribbon "Administration" under "Commenting":

Comment Template Designer in the Commenting dropdown of the Administration Ribbon

Comment templates allow defining chapters for commenting on objects for each object type. Some certain chapters are already available by default. Nevertheless, the templates should be adapted to your own needs in order to allow the desired comment structure to be used.

How to edit Comment Templates?

Modifications can be made via the Comment Template Designer, which is located in the Commenting section. It is also possible to open this section via the context menu of an object in the entity tree:

Edit Comment Template option in the context menu of and object type in the entity tree

In the designer, it is then possible to select the connector and the object type for which the template should be changed.

Connector and Object type selection on the left side of the Comment template designer

Apart from the structure of the comment chapter, default content can also be inserted, i.e. content such as text.
The comment items can be added to the structure via drag and drop:

GIF showing the addition of a comment chapter via drag and drop

After adding the comment item into the structure, you can define a language-independent technical name and a language-dependent description. It's also possible to add initial content (also language-dependent) like "Add your name here" as well as tables, images, etc. which are then available by default in the chapters and are available for further customization.

Editor to adjust technical name, Description and initial content of a comment chapter

The language-dependent description is displayed later in the comment of the entity as a heading of a chapter. Depending on the selected language, the e.g German or English description is displayed (also the initial content of the respective language).
(warning) The chapters, which contain only initial content, will not be considered for the export! Only the chapters that have been maintained for the object itself are exported.

The defined comment template will be shown for the entity in the comment area in the Entity Grid:

New chapter with initial content in the Comment of a Query

Transfer chapter to other entity types

Via the context menu chapters can be transferred to templates of other entity types. This makes the creation of commenting templates easier and faster.

Option to transfer chapter to other entity types in the context menu of a chapter

Afterward, you can select in the window, into which object type's comment template the chapter should be copied.

Transfer chapter pop-up to select the object types the chapter should be transferred to

In addition, it is also possible to define the exact position of the copied chapter in the existing chapter structure via the four radio buttons:

Options to define the position of the copied chapter in the comment template

Assign Roles to chapters

Check Authorization relevant Comment Items

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