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Change Log


New Features



  • UI: The Function Group name is displayed in the Function Modules-window

  • Export documentation: The Table of Contents (ToC) is automatically created for all documentation file types

  • New function: Single SAP objects (not only Scenarios) can be scheduled for automated export with the Automation Tool
    (info) The scheduling of Scenario documentation has been relocated. You will now find the relocated scheduling function under "Administration" > "Documentation

  • New function: Analyze/Compare for Datasphere added

  • New function: “Show relations” between ABAP objects

  • Data Flow: Additional information in the Look-up Scan implemented

  • Query Views of AfO Reports in "List Data Sources" & "Analyze & Compare"

  • System Comparison: Additional columns for description languages have been added




  • Function Modules updated for 24.1
    (info) From now on, function modules should pass the ATC test! Please let us know if you require further ATC adjustments.

  • Improve chapter generation for Docu Queries settings

Fixed Bugs

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  • DP-6371 Admin Guide: Roles-Link opens wrong section

  • DP-6357 Settings: New variant does not save the settings correctly (Documentation of Source Code)

  • DP-6106 Confluence: Misleading error when connection is affected by Proxy Settings

  • DP-6370 Possible to edit grid comments of different columns at once in Variable Analyzer

  • DP-6171 Query documentation: Wrong icons for key figures

  • DP-6388 Datasphere Comment Variant: All Comment chapters are exported, but comment variant includes only one chapter

  • DP-6362 DSP Data Flow View: Wrong display in Scenarios, if Data Flow View is used

  • DP-6375 Comment Template Designer: Comment chapter transfer not transferring to entity type “Function Groups”

  • DP-6323 Scenario: Where-Used Analysis Result missing

  • DP-6321 Scenario Export: Settings Variant is used

  • DP-6305 Confluence: Only possible to assign/unassign the confluence page in the main entity grid

  • DP-6304 Scenarios: Not authorized Scenario folders accessible in multiple contexts

  • DP-6221 Comments: Possible to save a comment without explanation when the explanation of comments is activated

  • DP-6126 Scenario Directory: Displays Assigned Entities without selecting a Scenario

  • DP-6336 Data Flow: Wrong selection of analysis functions when switching between upwards and downwards data flow

  • DP-6335 Data Flow: Upwards Data Flow stops at HCPR, although InfoProviders are based on the HCPR

  • DP-6312 Settings: "Documentation of Source Code"-Settings influences the display of source code in Analyze/Compare

  • DP-6352 System Scout: Error when performing "List of Data Sources" for SAC Story based on CDS entity

  • DP-6348 System Comparison: Long loading time, when starting conditional formatting

  • DP-6379 Data Flow: DSP function “Show complete data flow below" did not display the data flows of BW, HANA & S/4 objects within the DSP data flow.

  • DP-6361 Data Flow: Objects falsely displayed as unsynchronized in Datasphere Data Flow

  • DP-6399 Where-Used-Analysis: Error of CDS Views in Access Controls

  • DP-6350 UI: Wrong description of System Scout function Analyze & Compare in the context menu

  • DP-6339 Data Loads and Usages: EXCEL export shows incorrect number format

  • DP-6324 Where-Used-Analysis: Where Used on Data Definitions does not show the expected result

  • DP-6393 Documentation Scheduling (Automation Tool): Scenario filename settings not properly applied

  • DP-6288 Data Flow: DSP Dataflow does not recognize shared entities

v24.1.3 (30.07.2024)


  • DP-6434 BW-Sync for MultiProvider fails if the BW system is larger than expected (Error while converting table 'DATA')

v24.1.2 (26.07.2024)


  • DP-6425 Syncing ABAP Relations using SSO or with a Logon Group in your connection parameters causes error.

  • DP-6432 Documentation of a specific Transformation causes error (Z_RFC_GET_STRING: Data was lost while copying a value).

v24.1.1 (08.07.2024)


  • DP-6412 DSP documentation: Specific information is missing regarding Joins.

  • DP-6421 System Scout: Updated function modules (v24.1) causes error when executing the DataFlow mapping analysis.

  • DP-6423 SAC Sync: The entity type Users fails to sync (Null Reference Error).

  • DP-6425 BW SAP Sync: Having a ‘SAP Logon Group’ in your connection parameters causes the sync of ABAP relations to fail.

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