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Shrink Database

The database engine will reuse space effectively, but there are times when a database no longer needs to be as large as it once was; a frequent shrink of the database is necessary. Shrinking a database reduces the size of database data and log files and thereby improves the performance of the application. It is recommended to shrink the database every 14 days. If you are using an SQLite database that is stored on your local PC you can use the Performer Suite's built-in shrink functionality. The shrink can be started from the "Administration" menu in the section "Database":

In the database settings area you can define a time for a reminder to shrink the database:

The shrink will not start automatically, you will be asked if a shrink should be started.

Shrink of SQL Server or Oracle databases

In case of a central database installation, the shrink cannot be started within the Performer Suite.
Your administrator has to care for frequent database maintenance and backup.

Learn more:


Before & After the Shrink

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