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In Performer Suite there are different languages for different functions. In the following matrix, we will describe clearly which languages exist and what they are used for.

Performer Suite Language/

Logon Language

Documentation Language

Comment Language

Supported Languages

English, German

English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Finnish

All possible languages are supported.
By default: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Finnish

see Maintain Comment Languages


UI of Performer Suite which contains the results (Descriptions) of Analysis Functions

The language of the documentations and Scenario Exports.

The language of he exported comments in a documentation or scenario export.


Modeling Module: English only

*The SAP connection language depends on the language of the Project in Modeling (see Project Creation)

Spanish and Finnish is only used as connection language (language to get SAP data) to SAP. So only values from SAP can be shown in this languages.

If the chosen language is not supported for a specific documentation the fallback language is English.

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