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Data Lineage of BW Entities


Data Lineage for BW InfoProvider presents the mapping of Transformations in the detailed spreadsheet. In doing so, you can find in-depth information about the mapping. For instance, whether it involves a transformation or update rule or if an InfoObject, start, or end routine exists.

Defined endpoints in Mapping are:

  • Constants

  • Read master data from InfoObjects

  • Read master data from DataStore Objects

  • Read master data from Advanced DataStore Objects

  • Expert routines

  • DataSources

  • No further Mapping found

Offline Data Flow is used

The System Scout uses the synchronized Data Flow for the Data Lineage functionality in BW. Please double-check, if your Performer Suite database is up to date with the SAP Sync.

Explanations of the Excel file content



Start and End Routine icon

If the Start and End Routine icon is displayed in the 'Target Field'-column, this means that at least one Start- or End Routine has been identified by the System Scout in the entire mapping (check in this case the source code of the Routines too).

Start and end Routine Icon in the Excel

X. Level Source Field Type

InfoObject Types like in the SAP (CHA, KYF, UNI, TIM) and DSFD as DataSource Field.

X. Level Source Object Type

InfoProvider Types like in the SAP (e.g., CUBE, ODSO, ADSO).

X. Level Data Type

The column is shown and filled only if the Field is a DataSource Field (DSFD). It can be filled with the ABAP Data Types (e.g., DATS, UNIT, CHAR, NUMC).

X. Level Field Length

The column is shown and filled only if the Field is a DataSource Field (DSFD).

X. Level DataSource Source System

The column is shown and filled only if the Source Object is a DataSource.

X. Level DataSource Appl. Comp.

The column is shown and filled only if the Source Object is a DataSource.

X → (X+1) Tran. Type

Type of Transformation. The SAP types could be, e.g., TRFN, ISMP.

X → (X+1) Tran. Start Rout.

Filled with 'X' if the Transformation has a Start Routine.

X → (X+1) Tran. End Rout.

Filled with 'X' if the Transformation has an End Routine.

X → (X+1) TranID

The ID of the Transformation.

X → (X+1) Logic Type

Type of logic:

  • ROUT for InfoObject Routine

  • FORMULA for a Formula

  • CONS for a Constant

  • MDREAD for a Masterdata Read in InfoObjects

  • XROUT for an Expert Routine

  • DSOREAD for a Masterdata Read in DSOs

  • ADSOREAD for a Masterdata Read in ADSOs

X → (X+1) Logic content RuleID

RuleID. If the Logic Type is an InfoObject Routine or the content of the rule if the type is FORMULA, CONS, MDREAD, DSOREAD or ADSOREAD.

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