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Comment Variants

The Comment Variants can be found in the ribbon "Administration" under "Commenting":

Comment Variants in the Commenting dropdown of the Administration Ribbon

To provide more flexibility for exporting entity comments, "Comment Variants" can be created. By defining a variant for each entity type, the user can set which template items shall be exported. This way certain comments can be excluded from the export.
In a variant can be set for each entity type, which of the template items shall be exported.

How to create a Comment Variant?

The maintenance of Comment Variants starts with adding a new variant and setting a name for it.

Creating of a new Comment Variant and naming it in the Pop-up

The created Comment Variant can be adjusted either via the "Edit Variant" button in the toolbar/context menu or via a double click. First of all, you can select the desired connector from the drop-down box on the top:

Connector selection for the editing of the Comment Variant

In the next step, you can select a specific entity type. After selecting an entity type, the Performer Suite shows the existing chapters/comment items of the comment template and you can set for each item (chapter) whether it should be considered for documentation or not. The settings have to be saved separately for each entity type.

Selection of an entity type and of the Chapter to be contained in the variant

In the sample above you see that for the selected Comment Variant "IT" the chapter "Business Aspects" is unticked so that this chapter won't be exported for the objects of the type "3.x InfoSources". 

How to use a Comment Variant?

Before you start the export of an object, it's possible to select the needed Comment Variant in the "Quick access to frequently used settings".

Comment variant selection in the Quick settings of the Docu Performer Ribbon

If, for example, a variant was created in which the IT chapters are irrelevant for the object type "Queries", then the following would happen if this Comment Variant (End User) would have been selected for the export of a Scenario to which a Query has been assigned:

Comment Variant blocking Comment chapters of a Query from being contained in documentation

There are no IT chapters in the exported document (Scenario 1) because the variant was selected.

In the toolbar in the comment area, the created Comment Variants can also be selected in order to test how the created Comment Variant affects the comment of an object:

comment Variant selection in the comment editor of the Docu Performer

It is also possible to select the Comment Variant when exporting Scenarios

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