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BO Code Scan

With the BO Code Scan, it is possible to search all Reports for specific Components or Keywords.

The function is accessible via the System Scout: 

Code Scan in the System Scout ribbon and the search

or the context menu of a component in the Analyze/Compare function:

Finde References option in the Context menu of a component in Analyze and Compare

Currently supported entity types:

  • Design Studio Reports

  • Lumira 2.x Documents

When accessing the function via the Analysis Tab, you can search for any Component or Keyword by typing it into the text field and starting the analysis.

Search for Crosstab_1 showing results in Lumira reports

It is also possible to check the usage of multiple components or keywords:

Multiline filter besides the input filed for the search

In the appearing pop-up, you can select in which BO object types should be searched and if only the usage as a component or the usage in coding should be searched.

Pop-up to select which object types and Usage Types should be searched

The result is a list with the reports in which the component or the keyword was found and the information out of the function Find References.

Results of the function for multiple keywords

The function checks, if the inserted keywords are being used as...

  • a direct component

  • a reference within the properties

  • a reference within the coding of events

  • a data source

If you want to deactivate the use in comments within the source code, you can filter and adjust the results by clicking “Hide all references in comments“. In this area, you can also use the Excel button to initiate an Excel export.

Excel export and Hide all references in comments buttons in the toolbar

From the result list, you can perform further Where-Used analyses. The results are displayed in a new tab so that previous results are not overwritten.

This function is an offline function. In order to be able to perform it, the following checkbox must be activated in the area "SAP Synchronization" before the sync. was started:

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