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Reporting Elements

Supported Analysis

  • (grey lightbulb) not possible

  • (lightbulb) supported

  • (question) investigation/evaluation needed

  • (info) planned

Used in\Enity → 



Reusable Key Figures



Web Template & BW Workbooks



(grey lightbulb)




(grey lightbulb)

Analysis Authorizations


(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)


(grey lightbulb)

Authorization Roles


(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

Portal Roles


(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

Reporting Elements






(grey lightbulb)

Role Menus


(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)


Web Templates


(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

Planning Sequences

(grey lightbulb)


(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

Planning Functions


(grey lightbulb)




(grey lightbulb)

InfoPackage Selections

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)


(grey lightbulb)

DTP Filters

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)


(grey lightbulb)

BO Web Intelligence






(grey lightbulb)

BO Design Studio, AfO and Lumira Documents






(grey lightbulb)

Analysis Processes (APD)


(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

(grey lightbulb)

Not supported entities

  • Analysis for Office (on BW)

  • Design Studio Reports (on BW)

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