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BW Code Scan

You can find the analysis function "Code Scan" in the System Scout:

Code Scan in the system Scout ribbon and in the System Scout search

The Code Scan for strings/keywords allows searching for any string in the whole BW source code. So it is possible to search for a certain table name, a Variable or Query name, or for statements like e.g. "select single". First, the system to be scanned must be selected. Then you can enter a keyword in the text field and start the analysis.

system selection and text field for scan, filled with select single
  • With the filter button, you can start a Code Scan for multiple strings.

  • The search is not case sensitive, so it does not matter if you use upper or lower case letters

  • Wildcards are not supported

  • When searching for InfoProvider tables better use the normal where-used analysis, because there the table names will be derived from the InfoProvider name

The check of the usage of the keyword can be done for different types of ABAP coding and comments:

Dialog Window to select where the code should be searched

System Scout then displays in all places where the keyword is used in the coding:

Results for select single in Transformations, Transfer Rules and InfoObjetcs

The first column Usage Of identifies the searched string of the row in the result grid.

To analyze the coding more precisely, it can be displayed completely via the entry "Show Source Code" in the context menu:

Context menu of the source code with only option to show the source code

The entire coding is then displayed and the searched keyword is highlighted:

Source Code with highlighted keyword select single
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