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Settings Variants

The Settings Variants can be found in the ribbon "Templates and Variants":

Settings Variants in the Documentation Dropdown of the Administration Ribbon

The chapter "Settings" already showed the setting options and the impact of the content of the technical documentation. Settings variants allow saving different configuration sets, thereby allowing the user to select and apply these configurations when creating documents. This allows documents with various levels of detail to be created for different target groups.
For example, a variant with detailed technical documentation and all settings can be created for the IT department and a less detailed one for employees from specialist departments.

In the figure below you can see an example of a Settings Variant in which certain elements of a Query (Filter, Variables, Structures) are not to be included in the export. As a result, these elements are not included in the document.

Elements of a Query being blocked from being included in the documentation by the Settings Variant

How to create a Settings Variant?

Go to "Settings Variants" and click on the left button in the toolbar "New Settings Variant":

Pop-up to name settings variant and adopt settings from another when creating a new one

You can define a name for the new Settings Variant and click on "Save". 

It is also possible to use an existing Settings Variant as a template to avoid starting from scratch.

The new created Settings Variant can then be edited via "Edit Settings":

Edit button to edit a Settings Variant in the toolbar and the context menu of a variant

Then the settings window opens in which the settings can be made and saved to the Settings Variant.

Selection of the settings variant at the top of the Settings window

The different settings are explained in detail in the article of the Knowledge Base "Settings Variant". The impact of the documentation is also described in this entry.

How to use a Settings Variant during an export?

The last Settings Variant, that was selected and saved in the setting window will be used for the creation of a documentation.
You can also select a Settings Variant in the area "Quick access to frequently used settings" of the ribbon "Documentation":

Settings variant selection in the Quick settings of the Documentation Ribbon

It is also possible to select the Settings Variant when exporting Scenarios.

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