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Chapter Overview:

The Performer Suite requires a database to store the synchronized SAP entities and the data generated by its various functions. This database needs to be selected when running the application for the first time.

The offered choices are:

  1. SQLite

  2. SQL Server (2005 or above)

  3. Oracle Server (10g or higher)

In the figure below you can see where the database is placed in the general architecture:

The objects of the SAP Systems are synchronized with the database, from where they are accessed

The database can be changed from within the application at any point in time using the same connection wizard.

Database connection wizard  in the Database dropdown of the Administration ribbon

If you want to switch from e.g. an SQLite database to an Oracle or SQL Server DB, the content (Comments, Scenarios) can't be automatically transported to the new database.
So especially when you are using the Commenting functions of the Docu Performer it is important to decide from the beginning, which database type should be used.

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